I have unfinished business
Unfinished business with the gardens
Oh, such rich gardens
Of the wide range of scary,
Scary people with mean, mean faces
But with warm, warm hearts
And big, big hands
I have unfinished business
Where the weeds grow like sins
Beneath the ether,
Far, far beneath the ether
And there is a stop sign in this garden
And it reads off so many beautiful stories
You don't have to read them
You will feel them
You will feel them
There I stand reciting every story
To the big handed people
With cold faces and warm, warm hearts
With them they carry mugs
In their big, big hands
They sip the mystery liquid
I don't ask questions
I just read stories
From the stop sign in the garden
Where the weeds grow like sins
I have unfinished business
I came here to give
To give all of that I have
And they say the more you give the less you love,
And the less you love the more you know
I come from the stones and the rocks
Where the sky and the rivers never stop
It is there where I was born
On the petal of a rose kissed by a thorn
I grew to be quite a lady
I lived and cried every day
But that's okay, yes that's okay
I'm just here to give to hate and forgive
Because I have unfinished business with cold hearts and big hands
Where the weeds grow like sins